Saturday, January 21, 2012

CC2500 Project (Part 6) - Reorganizing

This post is mostly about software, so I'll keep it short.

I re-arranged most of the code so it hopefully makes more sense. My goal is to make the main code hardware agnostic. That way if you want to use a different device, you just change which drivers you're using, but your main code stays the same. Eventually I'd like to be able to support multiple devices from multiple manufacturers.

For a much better description, check out the page (and code) on github here:
(The README file should have some information)

To keep things interesting, here's a quick video on what I was able to do with the current setup. The RGB LED controller(msp430g2452 + cc2500) is wirelessly connected to the PC(msp430g2533 + cc2500 + usb-to-serial converter).


Andy said...

Hi Alvaro,

Great blog. Would you mind sharing the url of the store where you bought these CC2500 boards in China? And a second question, if you don't mind -- approximately what RF range are you getting with CC2500? Do they work at 100 feet? Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thanks Andy!

I bought them from here:

It's too late now, but the people from will do a group order every once in a while:


Wayne said...

You did a very nice job on this. You can also get the boards from they are here in the states and only charge $5 for the cc2500 boards.
Great Job again!