Sunday, August 12, 2007

Last Full Sunday

Today I woke up fairly early, even thought I went to bed late. I spent some time on the computer while the rest of the family woke up. I didn't really do anything interesting. I listened to music, read some stuff, and relaxed.

Later in the evening, two of my sisters friends came over and we all had a nice dinner. My sister cooked some Swedish dishes, which were very good, and we later had cake and ice cream. They talked about many things, I didn't really understand most of them, but every once in a while something would make sense. When they ask me questions I don't understand, I am usually able to answer them after a quick hint in English, but I was so tired, I didn't know when they were talking to me. It was pretty funny when I heard someone say something and then everyone stops talking and looks at me. I do know how to say “You were talking to me?” in Russian, so at least I can ask. We ended up talking about Facebook and mySpace and I tried explaining in Russian why Facebook was better, but failed miserably. I also found out there is a Russian clone of Facebook, which was pretty funny.

Later at night, my sister started worrying about packing and didn't know what the allowed weight was for the luggage. After several minutes of looking in FinnAir's website, we realized it was printed on the airplane ticket. They only allow 20 Kg for checked bags, which I don't think is much. Let's just say that my sister wasn't happy, but oh well, what can we do?

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