Thursday, July 5, 2007

New Friends!

I am very tired so I won't write too much...

Today was awesome. For the first time my alarm woke me up, every other day I woke up before it went off, which means I was really tired. I went to class and struggled because I was very tired. I finished my painting in the art class (Which was the last art class of the trip) and later went home.
I tried doing some homework, but my efforts were futile. I lay in bed and fell asleep instantly, which almost never happens. I set my alarm at 4:50pm so I could get up and catch a bus around 5pm. When the alarm went off, I must have turned it off because my mom woke me up around 5:15 to ask me if I was supposed to be somewhere. So I ran off and got in the bus.

The reason I left is because my Russian language teacher also teaches an English class at night, and she wanted me and a friend to meet her class so they could practice English. I got there in time, met with my teacher and friend, and walked to the school. Once people arrived, we started speaking in English and Russian. The class would ask us questions in English and we would answer either in Russian or English. I had a lot of fun. After an hour or so, a guy from Peru (who was teaching Spanish in the adjacent classroom) came in and asked if I would go do the same in his Spanish class. I asked them questions in Spanish and they would answer in Spanish as well. After a few minutes of that, I got back to the English class. The teacher was teaching the final lesson of the year, so I just sat in and listened. Two women sitting next to me wrote a note in English asking if I wanted to go to a Cafe after class, and of course I sad yes. After class, a group of seven students, myself, and the teacher went to a nice place right next to the river. We communicated as well as we could trying not to ask for too many translations by the teacher, it was a very educational experience, but it was much more fun than education. After who knows how long, I took a taxi with three of the students that live very close, they walked me to the apartment and said goodbye. I have their emails so we can keep in contact, now I can say I have my new Russian friends! The only Russian people I knew well were my host family and a few of the people that organize the program. Hopefully I will see my friends again, I am really looking forward to it.

As I said before, I am extremely tired and have school tomorrow, maybe I will write more then.

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